Kaspars Gerhards, the Minister: “A sustainable bioeconomics is based on knowledge, a successful development of a product and its advancement on the market. Just as important is the development of a supporting innovation environment, particularly in rural areas. We must promote an understanding what bioeconomics can contribute to the environment and national economy, as well as a good quality continuing education, adjusted to the needs of bioeconomics sectors, must also be offered.”
Ar ERAF projekta "Daudzfunkcionālu lapu koku un enerģētisko augu plantāciju ierīkošanas un apsaimniekošanas modeļu izstrāde" (Nr. 2010/0268/2DP/ un Eiropas Inteliģentās Enerģijas programmas projekta SRC plus izpildi saistītās aktivitātes mērka sasniegšanu, darba uzdevumu izpildi, tematiku saistīti raksti un aktualitātes, nu jau Apvārsnis 2020 projekts MAGIC un BE-Rural
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